410 research outputs found

    Submillimeter spectroscopy of southern hot cores: NGC6334(I) and G327.3-0.6

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    High-mass star-forming regions are known to have a rich molecular spectrum from many species. Some of the very highly excited lines are emitted from very hot and dense gas close to the central object(s). The physics and chemistry of the inner cores of two high mass star forming regions, NGC6334(I) and G327.3-0.6, shall be characterized. Submillimeter line surveys with the APEX telescope provide spectra which sample many molecular lines at high excitation stages. Partial spectral surveys were obtained, the lines were identified, physical parameters were determined through fitting of the spectra. Both sources show similar spectra that are comparable to that of the only other high mass star forming region ever surveyed in this frequency range}, Orion-KL, but with an even higher line density. Evidence for very compact, very hot sources is found.Comment: APEX A&A special issue, accepte

    High-resolution study of a star-forming cluster in the Cep-A HW2 region

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    Due to its relatively small distance (725 pc), the Cepheus A East star-forming region is an ideal laboratory to study massive star formation processes. Based on its morphology, it has been suggested that the flattened molecular gas distribution around the YSO HW2 may be a 350-AU-radius massive protostellar disk. Goal of our work is to ascertain the nature of this structure. We have employed the Plateau de Bure Interferometer to acquire (sub-)arcsecond-resolution imaging of high-density and shock tracers, such as methyl cyanide (CH3CN) and silicon monoxide (SiO), towards the HW2 position. On the 1-arcsecond (about 725 AU) scale, the flattened distribution of molecular gas around HW2 appears to be due to the projected superposition, on the plane of the sky, of at least three protostellar objects, of which at least one is powering a molecular outflow at a small angle with respect to the line of sight. The presence of a protostellar disk around HW2 is not ruled out, but such structure is likely to be detected on a smaller spatial scale, or using different molecular tracers.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Water emission from the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 17233-3606. High water abundances at high velocities

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    We investigate the physical and chemical processes at work during the formation of a massive protostar based on the observation of water in an outflow from a very young object previously detected in H2 and SiO in the IRAS 17233-3606 region. We estimated the abundance of water to understand its chemistry, and to constrain the mass of the emitting outflow. We present new observations of shocked water obtained with the HIFI receiver onboard Herschel. We detected water at high velocities in a range similar to SiO. We self-consistently fitted these observations along with previous SiO data through a state-of-the-art, one-dimensional, stationary C-shock model. We found that a single model can explain the SiO and H2O emission in the red and blue wings of the spectra. Remarkably, one common area, similar to that found for H2 emission, fits both the SiO and H2O emission regions. This shock model subsequently allowed us to assess the shocked water column density, N(H2O)=1.2x10^{18} cm^{-2}, mass, M(H2O)=12.5 M_earth, and its maximum fractional abundance with respect to the total density, x(H2O)=1.4x10^{-4}. The corresponding water abundance in fractional column density units ranges between 2.5x10^{-5} and 1.2x10^{-5}, in agreement with recent results obtained in outflows from low- and high-mass young stellar objects.Comment: accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Direct Measurement of the Total Gas Column Density in Orion KL

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    The large number of high-J lines of C^(18)O available via the Herschel Space Observatory provide an unprecedented ability to model the total CO column density in hot cores. Using the emission from all the observed lines (up to J = 15-14), we sum the column densities in each individual level to obtain the total column after correcting for the population in the unobserved states. With additional knowledge of source size, V_(LSR), and line width, and both local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE modeling, we have determined the total C^(18)O column densities in the Extended Ridge, Outflow/Plateau, Compact Ridge, and Hot Core components of Orion KL to be 1.4 × 10^(16) cm^(–2), 3.5 × 10^(16) cm^(–2), 2.2 × 10^(16) cm^(–2), and 6.2 × 10^(16) cm^(–2), respectively. We also find that the C^(18)O/C^(17)O abundance ratio varies from 1.7 in the Outflow/Plateau, 2.3 in the Extended Ridge, 3.0 in the Hot Core, and to 4.1 in the Compact Ridge. This is in agreement with models in which regions with higher ultraviolet radiation fields selectively dissociate C^(17)O, although care must be taken when interpreting these numbers due to the size of the uncertainties in the C^(18)O/C^(17)O abundance ratio

    Molecular line survey of the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I with Herschel/HIFI and the SMA

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    We aim at deriving the molecular abundances and temperatures of the hot molecular cores in the high-mass star-forming region NGC 6334I and consequently deriving their physical and astrochemical conditions. In the framework of the Herschel guaranteed time key program CHESS, NGC 6334I is investigated by using HIFI aboard the Herschel Space Observatory. A spectral line survey is carried out in the frequency range 480-1907 GHz, and auxiliary interferometric data from the SMA in the 230 GHz band provide spatial information for disentangling the different physical components contributing to the HIFI spectrum. The spectral lines are identified with the aid of former surveys and spectral line catalogs. The observed spectrum is then compared to a simulated synthetic spectrum with XCLASS, assuming local thermal equilibrium, and best fit parameters are derived using the model optimization package MAGIX. A total of 46 molecules are identified, with 31 isotopologues, resulting in about 4300 emission and absorption lines. High- energy levels of the dominant emitter methanol and vibrationally excited HCN are detected. The number of unidentified lines remains low with 75, or less than 2 percent of the lines detected. The modeling suggests that several spectral features need two or more components to be fitted properly. Other components could be assigned to cold foreground clouds or to outflows, most visible in the SiO emission. A chemical variation between the two embedded hot cores is found, with more N-bearing molecules identified in SMA1 and O-bearing molecules in SMA2. Spectral line surveys give powerful insights into the study of the interstellar medium. Different molecules trace different physical conditions like the inner hot core, the envelope, the outflows or the cold foreground clouds. The derived molecular abundances provide further constraints for astrochemical models.Comment: 30 pages including appendix, 49 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Formes d'astéroïdes et formation de satellites : rôle de la réaccumulation gravitationnelle

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    International audienceAsteroid shapes and satellites: role of gravitational reaccumulation. Following current evidences, it is widely accepted that many asteroids would be "gravitational aggregates", i.e. bodies lacking internal cohesion. They could mainly be originated during the catastrophic disruption of some parent bodies, through the gravitational reaccumulation of the resulting fragments. The same events produced the dynamical families that we observe. In this work we address the problem of the origin of shapes of gravitational aggregates, that could contain signatures of their origin. We use a N-body code to simulate the collapse of a cloud of fragments, with a variety of initial velocity distributions and total angular momentum. The fragments are treated as inhelastic spheres, that rapidly accumulate to form rotating aggregates. The resulting shapes and rotational properties are compared with theoretical predictions. The results show that only a precise category of shapes (flattened spheroids) are created via this mechanism. This may provide interesting constraints on the evolution of asteroid shapes, in particular for those with one or more satellites
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